V.6. Purpose of collection, use and disclosure

We (including our Group companies and our affiliates) may collect, use, disclose and/or process User Information (or have User Information processed by third parties (such as Google Analytics) on our behalf) for the following purposes:

(a) When a User in any capacity uses the Services, We may process User Information to:

  • Provide, operate and manage the Services.

  • Improve user experience by personalising the Services.

  • Verify the User's identity when a User registers or logs into our Services, create, administer and update a User's account and to enable the User to use the Services.

  • Respond to User inquiries or requests and take further action on complaints or feedback relating to the use of the Services.

  • Send Users communications via any communication channels, including but not limited to email, voice calls, text messages and app notifications, including for marketing purposes where we have received User consent.

  • Facilitate User connections with other users, including agents, contractors and other third parties through our Services.

  • Perform and administer office administrative matters.

  • Contact Users to conduct surveys and obtain feedback on the Services.

  • Conduct data analysis, research, testing, monitoring, usage and trend analysis, develop new products and services, improve existing products and services.

  • Facilitate User participation in interactive features of our Services, where User chooses and consents.

  • Perform Our obligations or enforce Our rights arising from any contracts entered into between User and Us and participate in any legal proceedings.

  • Notify Users of changes to Our products and services.

  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, directives, orders, directions, instructions and Requests from any local or foreign authorities, including regulatory, governmental, tax and law enforcement agencies or other agencies.

  • Seek professional advice or counsel, including legal advice.

  • Protect Our rights, property and safety, as well as the rights, property and safety of our affiliates and subsidiaries, users of the Services and others.

  • In connection with a business asset transaction (i.e. a purchase, sale, lease, merger or amalgamation or any other acquisition, disposal or financing of an organisation or part of an organisation or of any business or assets of an organisation) to which we are a party or a potential other party.

  • For any other purpose that we notify the User at the time of obtaining the User's consent in accordance with section 3.2 below.

(b) Where the User uses the Services as a third party provider of the Services ("Service Partner"), We may process the User's Information to:

  • Identify the User and facilitate or enable any verification or onboarding process that we may in our sole discretion consider necessary and carry out any further checks that we may require.

  • Enable the User to provide our services, including forwarding orders from our users to the User.

  • Process, facilitate and fulfil payments due from the User in relation to any services the User has provided.

  • Process and respond to feedback from users regarding the services the User has provided.

(c) When the User submits the User's Information to Us in connection with a job opportunity, We may process the User's Information to:

  • Review the information the User provides to assess whether the User is suitable for the position for which the Company is recruiting or for any other position that the Company may recruit in the future.

  • Respond to the User in the event that the User applies for any position for which we may recruit in the future.

  • Facilitate interviews and/or visits by Users to our offices/premises.

  • Contact the person who introduced the User to us to collect information that the User has consented to us collecting to review and assess the User's suitability for our employment opportunities.

Last updated