VI.7. Sanctions when detecting the poster has violated

The regulations of or/and the law, depending on the severity, will apply one of the following sanctions:

For posted news

  • Posts that violate the following regulations will be edited and re-edited without notice when one of the following violations occurs:

  • Posts with content that is not suitable for the category, violating the website's posting regulations (violation less than 3 times)

  • Posts using vulgar words, or using many words with intentional misspellings;

  • Posts posted in the wrong category. These posts will be deleted or moved to a category with more suitable content.

  • Posts that violate the following regulations will be deleted or taken down immediately without notice when one of the following violations occurs:

  • Posts with content that is not suitable for the law;

  • Posts with too many special characters and meaningless;

  • Posts using Vietnamese without accents, or posts in all UPPERCASE, with too many special characters;

  • Posts that are duplicated in one or more categories;

  • Posts using vulgar words, or using many words with intentional misspellings;

  • Posts with no content or content unrelated to the category;

With violating accounts has the right to decide whether the Member Account violates the Account Regulations, Posting Regulations, Operating Regulations and Terms of Agreement or has behavior that affects the operation of based on the regulations that we have made public on the website. Specifically, violating accounts are subject to the following sanctions:

  • First-time violating accounts: Violating posts will be edited, not approved, downgraded or deleted without prior notice (in case of paid posts, no refund will be given in any form). The violating member account will receive a notification to the account and the email registered for the account and must review all of its violating posts to edit or delete them.

  • Second violation account: The account receives a warning from via the email registered for the account requesting to stop the violation within 07 days. If the account does not cooperate, will temporarily lock the User's account within 14 days.

  • Third violation account or more: The User's account will be terminated and permanently deleted from the system.

Last updated