VI.2. Regulations on articles

Must post in the correct category. Copyright of the posted article belongs to the poster.

Articles that violate the following provisions will be edited, re-edited or deleted immediately without notice depending on the level of violation:

  • Articles with content that is not suitable for the category, violate the provisions of this regulation and the provisions of the law.

  • Articles using Vietnamese without accents, or articles written entirely in UPPERCASE, with too many special characters.

  • Articles that are duplicated in one or more categories.

  • Articles using vulgar words, or using many words that are intentionally misspelled.

  • Articles that have no content or content that is not related to the category; articles posted in the wrong category. These articles will be deleted or moved to a category with more suitable content.

The posted article must have a specific contact address.

Articles must be accompanied by illustrative photos and must clearly state the source of the photos, in compliance with intellectual property laws and other laws.

Titles must be specific, concise, and easy to understand. Do not submit articles with titles that do not describe the content of the article or titles that are too long.

Do not submit articles in Vietnamese without accents or with accents that are unclear.

Articles and news collected from other places are allowed to be submitted, but the origin and source must be clearly stated after obtaining the consent of the author of the article or news and provided to upon request.

Last updated