II.3. Regulations on Posters

Members participating in Tabtab.me or users of Tabtab.me services are those who need to post information on buying, selling, renting, leasing real estate and other services (if any) at Tabtab.me (hereinafter referred to as "Posters").

Posters are allowed to post after declaring mandatory information or completing the membership registration procedure according to Tabtab.me's regulations.

Posters must be individuals or organizations that meet the conditions of the law and these Regulations, including but not limited to:

  • Individuals must have full civil act capacity.

  • Organizations must have a business registration certificate or establishment decision of that organization.

  • Comply with the terms of these Regulations on account registration and use of Tabtab.me's services.

  • Protect your account, login password and monitor information related to your account. Take full responsibility in case the Advertiser's account is used by anyone that the Advertiser allows to access and use it or the Advertiser discloses his/her account information and login password.

  • All information provided by the Advertiser to Tabtab.me is accurate, complete, and updated promptly after any changes.

Last updated