IV.4. Ensure transaction safety

All transactions are transparent, the amount is announced before each transaction.

Tabtab.me always strives to make the information posted on Tabtab.me as diverse and accurate as possible. Tabtab.me will make maximum efforts and seriously remove dishonest, inaccurate or/and unhealthy and transparent information.

The real estate market is very rich and diverse; at the same time, information about real estate is constantly changed and updated along with the subjective will of the poster when describing real estate and services related to real estate. Therefore, Tabtab.me, like other e-commerce trading floors, cannot completely guarantee the accuracy of the information described in the content of the posting on Tabtab.me.

Real estate information posted by the Advertiser on Tabtab.me is not considered a substitute for any legal opinion, statement of businesses or experts or any competent state agency. The Advertiser will be solely responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the Advertiser as well as any information related to the posted information. Therefore, Tabtab.me recommends that members and parties with real estate needs should carefully research real estate information before making their decision.

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